Saturday, April 18, 2009

Grey Gardens, Daring!

My family saw the play when we lived in New York. We loved it so much that my mother and I went out and bought the original documentary. We would imitate Big Edie and Little Edie and we'd just laugh and laugh and laugh at the lines. 

We just finished watching Drew Barrymore as Little Edie in the TV adaptation of Grey Gardens. When Drew said her very first lines, my mother and I looked across the room at each other, our jaws dropped to the floor, and our eyes wide in amazement--she hit the nail on the head! My mother was convinced that it was the real Edie from the original film! The acting was phenomenal. 

The only criticism we have is that some of the best lines from the original film and the broadway play were left out of this film. 
(i would have loved to see the dance Little Edie does with the flag like it was done in the documentary, also I wish they would have included the moment where Little Edie is reading that old Astrology book)

Amazing film!

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