Monday, April 7, 2008

sentimental momchick-- oh love love.

cut and paste from my momchick's blog--> ooh la la, how i love her!

Last one buckled has to snort like a pig.
It worked. No more nagging, no more frustration trying to gain cooperation so mom can put the car in gear. It worked for years and years.

Learning letters and phonics: The Letter of the Week taped to the dashboard. Spot everything you can starting with that letter.
My children became good readers.

Raffi songs and other catchy tunes that we could all sing together and still can. Nursery rhymes on the go.
We all can burst into a shared commmon thing. Years later, still.

Mind Time for Important Lessons
Periodic required audio book time on long trips. Who knew that Steven Hawking used a voice synthesizer? Who would have ever thought that a daughter would know Maya Angelou's voice before she ever saw her in person?

That was before the children signed driving contracts, and I had to resist the urge to slam my foot into the non-existent brake on the passenger side as they learned to drive. That was before the driveway crashes and teaching responsibility for the upkeep of a car and all the lessons to be learned from that big step to independence. That was before I coordinated the DA to come talk to highschool students about drinking and driving and went to funerals for kids that were killed driving. That was before we walked to a wreck of a teenager racing down our street in Atlanta, killed by his own carelessness.

Funny, but it has been a long time since anyone snorted like a pig under threat. I guess kids do finally learn things without mom reminding them.

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