Saturday, November 3, 2007


the certainty of 2am to always be comforting
is what i'll have to settle for tonight
when i find myself pathetically awake
replaying moments, rephrasing sentences
sleepless and wholly concerned
with what our interlaced hands meant
and the eleven different ways
i could have rephrased the last
message, sentence, glance, kiss.
My hopelessly dizzy mind
will not shut off to surrender
my body to the sleep i wish i wanted.
i'm too excited to sleep,
knowing it'll be tomorrow
and tomorrow will end up playing out
completely differently to the
thousands of ways i've planned it
in my head.
and i'm pathetic. because it'll only be
a quick 'hello'
and the part that i love
is that i'm loving being
completely and incomprehensibly
tonight at 2am.

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