Monday, September 8, 2008

what i know of purpose is what i do not know.

Here I stand. Outside of these city walls
One two three four
I need to become what’s inside
One two three four
I saw an unfenced garden today
One two three four
I need to become inside the city
One two three four
Why are there no doors?
One two three four
The garden had lilies of the valley
One two three four
I hear them inside the city, with papers
One two three four
They are all successful inside the city
One two three four
There was a swing in the garden
One two three
And a very big tree, for climbing,
One two
There is my purpose beyond these city walls
One two
Brick paths all around, and roses
One two
And ivy, lots of ivy
The birds sang freely and they sang to me
And they didn’t fly away when I reached to them
The smell of bluebells enticed me
To come and rest my head
Upon the soft grass at the base of the sycamore tree
And so I laid down, lulled to sleep by the smell of lilies
And the sound of the breeze
And the song of the birds
The warmth of the sun, a safe blanket
So deeply I fell asleep
And so deeply I stayed asleep
And so deeply I died.
With garlands round my purpose.

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